Worship & Music
“All the nations you have made shall come and bow down before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name.”
– Psalm 86:9
Worship of God is at the heart of every Christian community and St. Christopher’s in no different. We offer a variety of services for the worship of the Triune God on Sunday mornings at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. (9:00 a.m. in the summer) and we invite you to join us and offer your time and talents in worship.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee meets to discuss worship services and seeks to implement parishioner suggestions into service. In addition, the Worship Committee teaches and instructs the congregation on “why we do what we do” and the meaning and symbolism behind our worship.
Acolytes assist the clergy before, during and after services as crucifers or torch bearers or in other capacities.
Chalice Bearers
Bearers assist the clergy in the administering of the chalice during Holy Eucharist and are usually licensed by the Diocese to perform these duties.
Lay Readers
Volunteers read the Lectionary Readings appointed for the day and the Prayers of the People.
Altar Guild
Members prepare the sanctuary, arrange flowers, clean and maintain the altar, vessels and vestments necessary for worship.
Ushers offer hospitality to all who enter for worship – both friend and stranger. Ushers distribute bulletins, assist in seating, provide help if needed and guide the congregation during administration of Holy Eucharist.
Music Groups
We provide opportunities for children and adults to become involved in the life of our parish through music with the goal being to grow musically and to provide musical leadership to praise God.
We provide music for all Sunday services, plus several Evensong services per year in addition to special services.
Children sing during the Sunday School time and the adult choir, to which all older youth are invited to join, rehearses on Sunday mornings at 11:30 a.m.
Tech Team
Members of the Tech Team help operate our new system for live streaming and recording Sunday worship services.