Worship & Music

“All the nations you have made shall come and bow down before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name.”

– Psalm 86:9

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I
9:10 a.m. Discipleship Education
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II

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Our Sunday morning services are at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. (9:00 a.m. in the summer) with Discipleship Education beginning at 9:10 a.m.  Everyone is always welcome and invited into full participation at all our worship services.

The worship of God is at the heart of what we do, and who we are at St. Christopher’s. Worship is the active expression of our joys, gratitude, questions, struggles, and ideas about God, the world and ourselves. We gather to bring together the individual stories of our lives, into a rich expression of life. In the Episcopal Church we are blessed with a rich heritage of language and ritual that has also benefitted from a measure of renewal.  At St. Christopher’s we use a variety of forms and styles of ritual including:

  • The Eucharist (“thanksgiving”) forms the center of our worship. Recalling the actions, teaching and life of Jesus Christ, it invites each person to see their own life as an expression of God’s love in the world.
  • Baptism Holy Baptism is the sacrament by which God adopts us as his children and makes us members of Christ’s Body, the Church, and inheritors of the kingdom of God.
  • Weddings
  • Confirmation
  • Funerals
  • Reconciliation of a Penitent/Private Confession
  • Healing Prayer Services
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Worship Committee

The Worship Committee meets to discuss worship services and seeks to implement parishioner suggestions into service. In addition, the Worship Committee teaches and instructs the congregation on “why we do what we do” and the meaning and symbolism behind our worship.


Acolytes assist the clergy before, during and after services as crucifers or torch bearers or in other capacities.

Chalice Bearers

Bearers assist the clergy in the administering of the chalice during Holy Eucharist and are usually licensed by the Diocese to perform these duties.

Lay Readers

Volunteers read the Lectionary Readings appointed for the day and lead the congregation in the saying of the Psalm.

Altar Guild

Members prepare the sanctuary, arrange flowers, clean and maintain the alter, vessels and vestments necessary for worship.

Prayers of the People

Persons from the congregation lead in the Prayers of the People, giving God our prayers as a community.


Ushers offer hospitality to all who enter for worship – both friend and stranger. Ushers distribute bulletins, assist in seating, provide help if needed and guide the congregation during administration of Holy Eucharist.

Music Groups

The Music Program of St. Christopher’s Church is led by Organist/Choirmaster Scott Drackley. Scott is Department Chair/Head of Choral Activities at Lancaster Catholic High School, Lancaster, PA. He comes with over 25 years of experience as a musician with the Episcopal Church. Scott is a graduate of Lebanon Valley College and The Catholic University of America with Bachelor and Master Degrees. The organ at St. Christopher’s is a 1975 Austin 27 rank, two manual pipe organ. The choirs of St. Christopher’s are an Adult Choir, Handbell Choir and Sunday School Choir.

The Adult Choir

The Adult Choir provides the musical leadership for the Sunday services at St. Christopher’s Church. The Adult Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and briefly before the Sunday service. The Choir consists of volunteers and professional singers. Their repertory of anthems and service music is quite varied and is selected from the standard choral repertory. On Feast Days and special occasions, the singers often join with instrumentalists for more extensive and challenging works. Over the years, the Choir has presented outstanding musical performances. Our music covers many genres. Medieval through 21st century Plainsong, Hymns, Canticles, Anthems, Motets, Cantatas, Masses, Requiems, and Oratorios.

  • Help us keep up the good work! We are seeking new singers for the Adult Choir in every section. Consider joining us, even if you can only give us a semester or liturgical season!
  • Works for Chorus and Orchestra that our choirs have performed over the last several years are:
    • Thompson – The Peaceable Kingdom
    • Saint-Saens – Christmas Oratorio
    • Bach – Magnificat in D
    • Arvo Port – Berliner Messe
    • Mozart – Vesper¦ Solennes de Confessore
    • Bach – Cantata: Christ Lag in Todes Banden – BWV 4
    • Durufle – Requiem

Handbell Choir

Handbells are a beautiful addition to the musical offering in the service. The Handbell Choir rehearses from the beginning of November until Christmas, and performs at the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve Service. It will resume rehearsals, after a short break, and perform on Palm Sunday.

If anyone from teenager through adult is interested in being part of this fun musical activity, please contact Organist/Choirmaster Scott Drackley. Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m.

Sunday School Choir

During Morning Prayer Sundays, the Organist/Choirmaster goes to the Sunday School and sings songs with the younger members of the group. The Sunday School Choir sings in church approximately three times per year. Whenever possible, instrumentalists from the Sunday School are used to enhance their singing.

For more information on our music programs, please contact Organist/Choirmaster, Scott Drackley at scottdrackley@saintchristophers.org  or call our office at 610-642-8920 ext 13.