Our Vestry
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
– 1 Peter 4:10
The Vestry of St. Christopher’s Church consists of 12 lay persons who act as the governing body of the Church. The members of the Vestry are elected by the congregation for three year terms and the Rector presides at monthly Vestry meetings without a vote. The Vestry meets monthly and all parishioners are invited to attend. Each Vestry member has a specific position and responsibility like Fellowship, Stewardship, Accounting and Outreach and typically three wardens are selected by the Rector, Rector’s Warden, Junior or Property Warden and Accounting Warden. The Rector’s Warden is the senior lay person at the Church, the Junior or Property Warden is responsible for the properties and grounds of the Church and the Accounting Warden is responsible for the books and records and finances of the Church. Any member of the Church 21 years and older can serve on the Vestry.