Getting Involved
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”
– 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
Interested in learning more about serving our different ministries? St. Christopher’s offers so many ways to become involved that you can decide how little or how much! Each Sunday, St. Christopher’s relies on nearly 100 parishioners to serve God by helping with worship services. Many opportunities are available to welcome new members, community outreach, bible education to the youngest and oldest parishioner, social events or maintaining our beautiful building and property. Contact information is below, all are welcome!
Rev. Kristen Ostendorf
(610) 642-8920 ext. 119
Altar Guild
Donna Hammond
March Pepper
Azalea Day
Katie Gibbs
Elizabeth Lovett Keshet
Drea Brooks Tarity
Scott Drackley
(610) 642-8920 ext.113
Coffee Hour
Church Office
(610) 642-8920 ext.110
Courtyard Committee
Judy Moneta
Discipleship Education
Linda McConnell
Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining
Lay Chalice Bearers
Church Office
(610) 642-8920 ext.110
Lay Readers
Church Office
(610) 642-8920 ext.110
Drea Brooks Tarity
Peg Schofield
Elizabeth Lovett Keshet
March Pepper
Church Office
(610) 642-8920 ext.110
Weekday Welcomers
Church Office
(610) 642-8920 ext.110
Youth & Children’s Ministries
Rev. Kristen Ostendorf
Jen Skoff
(610) 642-8920 ext. 119