Special Events
Calendar of Events
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Outreach Service Project
Outreach Service Project
Save the date! We will be making bagged dinners for those who are unsheltered in Kensington as part of our 75th Anniversary Celebration in February. Plan to stay after the 10:00 a.m. service on February 23rd to help with this important effort, which will support Sunshine House and the Clare Project.
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Bible Study at Waverly Heights
Bible Study at Waverly Heights
Join us at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday mornings at Waverly Heights. We meet in the Manor House Dining Room. See you there!
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Scout Sunday & Shrove Sunday Pancake Breakfast
Scout Sunday & Shrove Sunday Pancake Breakfast
The Scouts will be participating in our 10:00 a.m. service on Sunday, March 2nd as well as hosting a Pancake Breakfast in the Parish Hall following the service. One of the things a scout promises to be is reverent and we unify with them in this way of life. Come and welcome them!
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Bible Study at Waverly Heights
Bible Study at Waverly Heights
Join us at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday mornings at Waverly Heights. We meet in the Manor House Dining Room. See you there!
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Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday Service
On Wednesday, March 5th, we will begin the season of Lent together with worship and the imposition of ashes. Join us at 7:30 a.m. The church will be open after the service until 9:30 a.m. and clergy are available for prayers and imposition of the ashes.
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Evensong & Healing Service
Evensong & Healing Service
Enjoy the inspiring music that is sung by the choir. There will also be healing prayers and anointing. Come and be fed and receive the laying on of hands.
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Bible Study at Waverly Heights
Bible Study at Waverly Heights
Vincent Van Gogh and the Beauty of Lent What do Van Gogh's iconic works, such as "Sunflowers" have to do with Lent? Join us as we explore art, nature, and spiritual practices using Van Gogh's paintings and Scripture for a Lenten devotional journey. Each week, we will examine a passage from the Bible, one or...
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Bible Study at Waverly Heights
Bible Study at Waverly Heights
Vincent Van Gogh and the Beauty of Lent What do Van Gogh's iconic works, such as "Sunflowers" have to do with Lent? Join us as we explore art, nature, and spiritual practices using Van Gogh's paintings and Scripture for a Lenten devotional journey. Each week, we will examine a passage from the Bible, one or...
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Guided Eucharist
Guided Eucharist
All are invited to a guided Eucharist on Sunday, March 23rd at the 10:00 a.m. service. This unique experience slows down the service and offers explanations for many key points. It’s perfect for anyone who would like to learn more about communion, would like their children to receive instruction, or have a renewed appreciation for...
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Bible Study at Waverly Heights
Bible Study at Waverly Heights
Vincent Van Gogh and the Beauty of Lent What do Van Gogh's iconic works, such as "Sunflowers" have to do with Lent? Join us as we explore art, nature, and spiritual practices using Van Gogh's paintings and Scripture for a Lenten devotional journey. Each week, we will examine a passage from the Bible, one or...