Pastoral Care

“…who consoles us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to console those who are in any affliction with the consolation with which we ourselves are consoled by God.”

– 2 Corinthians 1:4

Following our mission to lift people up as Christ calls, the ministry of Pastoral Care is to provide help, care and comfort to all during challenging life circumstances in the hope of lightening the burden for an individual or family. The ministry will provide both practical and emotional support during times of need. Parishioners and others are welcome to participate in ways that are most comfortable and fitting for each individual. A vitally important aspect of Pastoral Care is to make the process of getting help easy and comfortable. Privacy and confidentiality will be respected and carefully maintained when desired by those seeking care and support. Please contact the office if you are in need.

Sacramental Pastoral Rites

  • Reconciliation of a Penitent/Private Confession
    Reconciliation of a Penitent, or Penance, is the rite in which those who repent of their sins may confess them to God in the presence of a priest, and receive the assurance of pardon and the grace of absolution. The Reconciliation of a Penitent is available for all who desire it. It is not restricted to times of sickness. Confessions may be heard anytime and anywhere. The secrecy of a confession is morally absolute for the confessor, and must under no circumstances be broken.
  • Anointing & Healing Prayers
    Unction (or annotation) is the rite of anointing the sick with oil, or the laying on of hands, by which God’s grace is given for the healing of spirit, mind, and body.
  • Healing Prayer Services
    Several times through the year, we have healing services (often in conjunction with Evensong services) to allow for prayers of healing and laying on of hands for those who are suffering in body, mind, or spirit.

Pastoral Counseling

Our clergy are available for pastoral counseling— for individuals, couples or families— for any moment in life. Please contact the office to set up an appointment.

Pastoral Prayers

We pray for anyone who is seeking God’s grace, help, and blessings in all of life’s circumstances. Contact the church office to request a name to be placed on the prayer list.

Eucharistic Visitors

Our Rector and Lay Eucharistic Visitors make regular visits each week to many of our current and former parishioners who have difficulty attending church, who are bedridden, in hospital, or just need to stay close to home. The sacrament of Holy Eucharist is brought to parishioners who are unable to be present at the Sunday service, so they may participate with us in the Body and Blood, as we share one Bread and one Cup. A Lay Eucharistic Minister is a lay person who is trained and authorized to administer communion. Training is available upon request. We are in need of both male and female parishioners who would consider undertaking such an important role in our church.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a ministry in which trained and supervised lay persons provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges. Stephen Ministers provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties. A Stephen Minister is someone with a kind heart, open mind and good listening ear. Trust is essential to a caring relationship, and Stephen Ministers are people you can trust. Confidentiality is one of the most important principles of Stephen Ministry, and what a care receiver tells his or her Stephen Minister is kept in the strictest confidence. To learn more about Stephen Ministry go to

Practical Helpers

Assistance can be provided for practical needs which might include the following:

  • Prepared meals
  • Transportation to church, the hospital, doctor or other important appointments
  • Relief for someone who regularly cares for an ailing family member
  • Care for animals and plants while owner is in the hospital or otherwise impaired.
  • Minor home repairs or maintenance
  • Other needs identified by our parishioner

Caring Companion

This individual would be a quiet, comforting presence for someone who is in bereavement or suffering a serious illness or life challenge. Visits could also be made to someone living alone who needs encouragement and a bit of companionship. Visiting a parishioner in the hospital or nursing home might brighten his or her day.

Care Cards, Birthday Cards & Baptismal Gifts

Cards are sent to parishioners needing encouragement or marking a celebration.
A Baptism Book is sent to our parish newborns and their parents.

Sermon Ministry

Sermons are available to read or listen to on the website. Contact the office to have a sermon mailed to you.

Daring Way™ Certified Counseling based on the shame and vulnerability work of Dr. Brené Brown

The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. This method is designed for work with individuals, couples, families, work teams, and organizational leaders. It can be facilitated in clinical, educational, and professional settings. During the process we explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness. We examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are holding us back and we identify the new choices and practices that will move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead. If you are looking for ways to bring Brené Brown’s research on courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy into your own life, please contact the office.

The Rev. Dr. Hillary D. Raining is a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator (CDWF)
Completed training, consultation and fully certified.


In addition, Pastoral Care supports the formation of small groups to address
particular needs, such as aging or divorce.